Benefits of Microneedling

When you’re dealing with issues like acne scars or fine lines and wrinkles, there are so many options for you to choose from when looking at treatment options. One popular option that you can consider is microneedling. Microneedling can help improve your skin and give you a naturally healthier skin with a minimally invasive treatment. Dr. Suseela Narra at Narra Dermatology and Aesthetics in Issaquah, WA, can explain some of the benefits of microneedling and how it can improve your skin.

3 Benefits of Microneedling

Microneedling is minimally invasive.

While there are many options to treat your specific skin issues, there are some that may cause more discomfort or just might take more time than you’re willing to give up. Microneedling uses a roller that contains very tiny needles and your dermatologist in Issaquah, WA, rolls it over the skin. A topical cream can be used to minimize any discomfort and your dermatologist can make adjustments to accommodate your specific needs.

There is no downtime associated with microneedling. 

After a session, you can expect to return to your normal routine immediately after. You may experience some slight redness or inflammation, but that should disappear a few hours after treatment. It’s important that you protect your skin and wear sunscreen, especially right after an appointment, but other than that, there’s no interfering with your normal routine.

Microneedling stimulates the production of collagen.

With microneedling, the outer layers of your skin are receiving microscopic injuries and this stimulates the production of collagen. Collagen is a natural substance that helps your skin look young, full, and radiant.

Contact Your Dermatologist Today 

There are even more benefits that you might experience with the help of microneedling. Contact Dr. Suseela Narra at Narra Dermatology and Aesthetics in Issaquah, WA, to learn more about microneedling and how it can help you. Call for more information today at (425) 677-8867.

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Narra Dermatology and Aesthetics


9:00AM-4:30PM (hours may vary)


9:00AM-5PM (hours may vary)




9:00AM-5:00PM (hours may vary)


9:00AM-4:30PM (hours may vary)



